Who bullies someone for a self-insert? Self-inserts have been a fanart staple forever.
Who bullies someone for a self-insert? Self-inserts have been a fanart staple forever.
The real treasure was the Homers we collab'd along the way
You're a goddamn genius
This is super cute. It's as if Dr. Seuss got into sci-fi and fantasy.
aw thank you!!
I've a confession to make.
I actually used to gen shinies a few years ago. I became so tired of these predatory scam websites that gen shinies as advertisements specifically to target kids.
So, I genned my own shinies with realistic stats and sent them out via random trade in hopes that I could combat those pestulent scammers, somewhat.
Although, I did, as well, gen a fuckload of shiny Alolan Raichus all named "funi rat lol", with the OT name being "Ur Mom Gaye". In fact, I still have a bunch sitting in Pokémon Home.
That EctoSludge guy can't draw for shit. Everyone else did a pretty great job, however. Keep up the good work, everyone else.
Too bad he's got a broiling belly
I think after the bullshit that was the US election, we could all use more Moo Deng injected straight into our eyeballs.
Guess he never *saw* much after that
This reminds me a bit of Dementium 2. I love the designs and the composition.
Official host of the 1978 Boner Olympics
Age 26, Hee/Hoo/Haa
Untalented Loser
Joined on 12/30/22