I raise from my tomb to say I have both Nepeta and Karkat UTAUs you made. Hopefully I stop losing my stuff everywhere and upload one of the few covers I have (it's like, 5 in total?). I have never been more grateful because they are both comfort characters to me, and being able to make UTAU content with them makes me really happy. I like when people also make covers with them, even if it's like, a few persons who do so, I still enjoy them!
I raise from my tomb to say I have both Nepeta and Karkat UTAUs you made. Hopefully I stop losing my stuff everywhere and upload one of the few covers I have (it's like, 5 in total?). I have never been more grateful because they are both comfort characters to me, and being able to make UTAU content with them makes me really happy. I like when people also make covers with them, even if it's like, a few persons who do so, I still enjoy them!